April 23, 2012


Valiant Comics has a new logo and it looks great!

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Valiant Comics Logo

Valiant Comics Logo

This news has been around the internet pretty much everywhere, but it’s OTV’s turn to take a crack at it.

Valiant Entertainment has a new logo, released today. As you can see, it is a bit iof a throw back to the original Valiant logo, but with some updates.

This logo was designed by Rian Hughes, a well know illustrator and graphic artist. It turns out he’s designed logos for little mom and pop companies like Virgin Airways, Penguin Books, the BBC, and several comic book companies like Marvel and DC.

He has done lots of different types of work, logos, typography, illustration, etc.

And now he’s designed Valiant.

I was a bit surprised that Valiant redesigned the logo, and so soon before the relaunch. They put some effort into the design of the logo that they have been using since the publication of the Harbinger hardcover book was published. I rather liked the older “tilted compass” logo, I thought it was pretty cool, and a bit sophisticated.

This one is more square and blocky, maybe to better fit on the cover of a comic?

Here’s what Rian Hughes has to say about the redesign:

It is always a challenging and interesting project to design the visual identity of a publisher from the ground up in every detail — logo, trade dress, title logos — and to cohesively pull all these elements together so one strong visual identity emerges. Rebooting the Valiant line’s design has been one such great project. The Valiant characters have a strong fanbase and heritage, and so the new logos are fresh and modern as befits a forward-looking publisher while still paying tribute to the originals, just as has been done with the characters themselves.

This logo does seem to pay tribute to the original much moreso than the previous Valiant Logo.

I’ll admit, when I first saw the logo, I didn’t like it as much. I’ve changed my mind though, after seeing how it will actually look “out in the wild”.

So how does it look on the books? Check it out:

X-O Manowar #1 Regular Cover

X-O Manowar #1 Regular Cover

X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Cover

X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Variant

X-O Manowar #1 Aja Cover

X-O Manowar #1 Variant Cover

X-O Manowar #1 QR Cover

X-O Manowar #1 QR Talking Cover

The thing I like most is that they are changing the color of the logo to match the color scheme of the book. If this logo were printed in the standard black, white and red on the David Aja variant, it would probably not look so great. Printing it in the color scheme to match the color scheme of the book makes it work pretty well.

The covers look great! I can’t wait to start filling up my long boxes with them.


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