February 24, 2017


Emerald City Comic Con Is Stacked!

I wish I was going!

Emerald City Comic Con looks stacked full of Valiant panels, signings, cool exclusives and merch, and more.

February 20, 2017



Valiant teases the word ICONS with letters made out of the greatest Valiant Heroes. This year’s publishing initiative?

February 1, 2017


Valiant Secret Announcement – DECODED!

Today, Valiant sent out a Secret Announcement, with the promise that everything will be revealed tomorrow. We figured it out now.

December 3, 2016


Only The Valiant Facebook Group

Sure, you’ve seen that OTV has a Facebook page, but the thing about pages is that they tend to be unidirectional. It’s not the most interactive format. So we’ve gone ahead and created an Only The Valiant Facebook Group.

October 8, 2015


New Archer & Armstrong Series Announced at NYCC!

Alright people, the two greatest adventure unheroes of the Valiant Universe are returning!

April 15, 2015


#BloodshotReborn. Make It Trend.

Bloodshot Reborn #1 is out today. Let’s do this.

April 14, 2015


Bloodshot Reborn Events In Southern California

Exclusive variant covers, signing events with David Baron and Ryan Winn, and more at Geoffrey’s Comics, Collector’s Paradise, and Ryan’s Comics.

April 6, 2015


Valiant 25th Anniversary Panel at Wondercon

Valiant shared a lot of great stuff at the 25th Anniversary Celebration panel at Wondercon. Here’s the wrapup.

April 4, 2015


Valiant 101 Panel at Wondercon

The Valiant 101 panel was held at 3:30pm on Friday of Wondercon. Here’s the recap and some photos, for those of us that couldn’t make it.

April 3, 2015


OTV and Valiant at Wondercon

Wondercon starts today! Here’s where to find OTV and Valiant Comics over the weekend.