January 31, 2018

Quantum & Woody #2, Eternity #4

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VCRlogo-200Join us this week as we look in on the state of affairs with the brothers extraordinaire in Quantum & Woody #2, and then follow the path of a bullet through time & space into the unknown as Eternity #4 wraps up that series.

Firstly we discuss Quantum & Woody #2, where the brothers are having a real tough time getting along. There are hi-jinks & shenanigans as usual with these two, but for now they still remain tied together by the wrist – for at least one moment a day!

And over in Eternity #4, the whole plight of the observer as well as Abram & Myshka’s child must come to some form of resolution because this is the end of the series. Some questions are answered, but are some answers questioned? Tune in to find out what we thought!

Spoiler alert! We have read these books, and we discuss them assuming you have too. If you don’t want to be spoiled by our conversation, read the books before listening.

Listen right here, right now:

Download: VCR-151-jan31-2018.mp3 | Total Time: 44 minutes
