April 30, 2012

Charity Comic Art Auctions

Charity Sketches: Dave Gibbons and David Finch

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Elveen’s at it again! Two more comic sketch art auctions are happening now in the CF Section of his eBay store.

These auctions end Sunday, May 6th. get your bids in early!

There’s a big one in here, you’ll want to scroll down.

As always, 100% of the proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, so that one day, CF will stand for “Cure Found”.

Now, check out the auctions!

Harley Quinn by David Finch

Do we need to tell you about David Finch?! He’s writing and drawing Batman: The Dark Knight. He’s done tons of art for amazing properties, Avengers, Batman, Moon Knight, Ultimate X-Men, and tons of Top Cow characters, Witchblade, Cyberforce, The Darkness, etc.

This sketch is done in a landscape orientation, a sweet Harly Quinn sketch.

Harly Quinn by David Finch FCF Sketch

Harly Quinn by David Finch

CLICK HERE to bid on this Harley Quinn Drawing on eBay!

Rorschach by Dave Gibbons

Let’s just say that again, Rorschach, by Dave Gibbons.

Dave Gibbons! He drew Watchmen.

He’s drawn Green Lantern, 2000 A.D., and collaborated with Frank Miller in addition to Alan Moore.

He provided this Rorschach drawing.

Here it is:

Rorschach by Dave Gibbons FCF sketch

Rorschach by Dave Gibbons

CLICK HERE to bid on this Rorschach Drawing on eBay!

All proceeds go to charity

A big thank you to David Finch and Dave Gibbons for donating their time and effort to create these sketches for the CF cause. We appreciate their time and work, and that time and work really shows. These sketches are all amazing!

For more information about these charity auctions, check out Elveen’s charity original art site for these auctions: FightingCysticFibrosis.com.

And remember, it’s for charity, so go Bid on eBay now!


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