May 22, 2012

Charity Comic Art Auctions

Missy Piggy and Darkwing Duck Fight Cyctic Fibrosis!

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Elveen has got another round of charity art auctions up in the CF Sketch section of his eBay store!

These auctions end on Sunday, May 27th.

All of the proceeds of these auctions go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, so bid early, often, and generously!

Now, the art!

Miss Piggy by Amy Mebberson

Amy Mebberson is an artist for many Muppet comics, she knows how to draw a great Miss Piggy. Amy did this sketch at Wondercon 2012 for Elveen’s charity auctions.

This drawing was done on one of the landscape arranged boards, as you will see in the picture.

Check it out! This lady’s hot!


Miss Piggy by Amy Mebberson

CLICK HERE to bid on this Miss Piggy sketch!

Darkwing Duck by James Silvani

James Silvani is the artist for Darkwing Duck comics from Boom! James drew this for the charity man, Elveen himself, at Wondercon 2012.

This is a great Darkwing Duck drawing, from the main Darkwing Duck man himself!

Let’s get dangerous!


Darkwing Duck by James Silvani

CLICK HERE to bid on this awesome Darkwing Duck sketch

All proceeds go to charity

A big thank you to Amy Mebberson and James Silvani for donating their time and effort to create these sketches for the CF cause. We appreciate their time and work to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

For more information about these charity auctions, check out Elveen’s charity original art site for these auctions:

And remember, it’s for charity, so go Bid on eBay now!



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