Valiant is introducing Faith back in Harbinger #4, in September.

Faith Herbert, aka Zephyr, is back in Harbinger #4 in September
Faith was a favorite of a lot of people in the original Harbinger comics, she was similar to a lot of fans, a comic geek, not in the best “supermodel” of shape, she brought a superhero attitude to the Harbinger kids, because, well, she wanted to be a superhero.
After the confrontation between Pete Stancheck and Toyo Harada in Harbinger #25, Faith was left without direction, and entered the Harbinger Foundation as a student. She was part of the B-Squad with a bunch of other rejects, loafers, and slackers, and caused a lot more trouble than she started.
Eventually, she would become a leader of the Harbinger resistance, leading the fight against the Harbinger Mega-Corporation.
Want to learn more about Faith? Check out OTV Episode 58, Faith Will save us, the later years of Harbinger.
Of course, what this really makes me wonder is when we are going to get Chalene Dupree, aka Flamingo, in the book. That lady was hot*.
*Pun horribly intended.
June 20, 2012, 4:16 pm
Kimo comments:
I’m glad to she looks like the original, I hope she shares a lot of the same personality traits as well. I was worried she would look radically different like Kris. So far with the heavy tone of Harbinger, her upbeat attitude would be a great contrast.
June 21, 2012, 11:08 am
OTV comments:
@Kimo, agreed all around.