Friday was Epic. That leaves Saturday as a recovery day.
On Saturday, I think everyone was a bit worn out from the previous days, so it was much mellower. Still, plenty of good convention action going on.
CBLDF and Duane Swierczynski
I started out the day with a visit to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund table, where Duane Swierczynski was signing copies of Bloodshot, and Atom! Freeman was giving away copies of the Valiant Free Comic Book Day Book.
When Atom! is working, you know it. As soon as the line dwindled down, he started the yell again, “Free Comics! Get them signed by the writer of Bloodshot!” a minute later, Boom! There’s a line.
While I wasn’t able to make it back to the CBLDF booth, I know that Josh Dysart also made a signing appearance.
Support Valiant! Support the CBLDF!
New Sketchbook Art
A couple years ago, I finally started a sketch book. I didn’t want the same kind of book as everyone else though, full of heroic characters in heroic poses. I opted for something a little more interesting, and… strange.
I asked my buddy Dave Dwonch to start the book out, and he drew a Not Safe For Life drawing of Doctor Doom that is… well, just ask to see it when you see me at a convention.
I wanted to get a couple drawings in my book this year, and while in the Image booth, ran into the creators of Danger Club. Perfect. I am really enjoying Danger Club, and the art style is great.
I asked Eric Jones, the artist, to put an addition into my book, and told him that it was his choice. I like the Danger Club characters, but I gave him the liberty to draw whatever seemed interesting to him.
The Vader drawing at right is the result, it fits perfectly in my book, and fits, and expands, the theme I’m going for.
I dropped my sketch book off with another artist as well, though I’ll share that sketch in my Sunday wrap up.
Costumes and Crazies
Just a few of the costumes and such that I snapped throughout the day.
The Crew
We recorded our Friday/Saturday wrap up on a nice sunny grassy lawn outside of Hall H.
Saturday was definitely a much mellower day for all of us. We were all worn down, and ready for a much more mellow day and night.
July 17, 2012, 2:59 pm
dbngaa comments:
OTV Crew,
Thanks for all of re-caps and run-downs from San Diego! Completely envious of how much fun you all had, and the people you got to meet. After listening to the 2 podcasts, I gotta say the only way to go at SDCC is to go with the OTV Crew.
July 17, 2012, 3:04 pm
Sean comments:
You want to live it up at San Diego? Live it up with the OTV crew.
It’s the way to be

Sean recently posted..“Sunrise” Mylar Sun Print
July 20, 2012, 10:22 am
Bernie comments:
Nice shot of my Dark Helmet, one of my favorites yet!
July 20, 2012, 10:30 am
Sean comments:
The best thing about Dark Helmet is that the guy inside actually looked like Rick Moranis.
Sean recently posted..The Working Dead