Back when I was a kid, I loved comic books. It started with G.I. Joe, and I moved on to X-Men and Wolverine. Mostly, Chris Claremont and Larry Hama are to blame for me loving comics.
I heard about this “Unity” thing that was coming out one summer. It sounded cool, so I picked up a couple issues, and a couple issues of some of the comics that came right before it.
I was hooked. I mowed the lawn and trimmed the bushes about a dozen times in the next couple weeks to earn enough money to buy all of the Unity chapters. I spent a lot of money buying back issues of Solar, and a few others that I could afford. I bought what I could.
I heard about these fandangoled “gold books”, and I wanted one. I didn’t know what to do, so I did what any 12 year old would do. Lose all self respect and do something goofy.
I wanted to show that I was a big enough fan to get one of the gold books, so I convinced a friend into dressing up like Archer, and I dressed up as Armstrong, and I set up all my Valiant comics on display and took some pictures.

Me (on the left) and my friend Victor (on the right)
I wrote a letter to Valiant telling them about how much I love their comics, and a month later I got a package in the mail.
I got that note in the package, along with an Archer & Armstrong #0 Gold.
I was as excited as could be! Back at this time, Archer & Armstrong #0 Gold was a $125 book. There was no possible way that I would be able to buy one. To have one given to me by my favorite comic company, that was exciting.
It was the pride of my collection. Back then, I couldn’t complete all my pre-Unity runs. I was 12, and couldn’t afford $80 for Harbinger 1.
Eventually, I completed my Valiant collection, and managed to get a lot of other nice books. No book beats the sentimental value of that original Archer & Armstrong #0 gold though.
In light of Valiant’s recent gold book announcement, I thought it was time to drag out this story to post up here.
Oh, and of course, here’s the gold book:

The Archer & Armstrong #0 Gold I received from Valiant back in 1992
August 4, 2012, 12:51 am
Kimo comments:
Great story! Thanks for sharing. I hope you still have it!
August 10, 2012, 7:11 am
Sean comments:
You bet I’ve got it, Kimo! This would be the last thing to leave my collection.
Sean recently posted..“Sunrise” Mylar Sun Print
September 11, 2012, 9:00 pm
blujay1524 comments:
I hope they start giving out new gold issues for the new readers
September 11, 2012, 10:04 pm
Sean Neprud comments:
@blujay, they have! Valiant announced the new gold book program at San Diego Comic Con, and started giving them out to fans there. The deal is similar to the original, support Valiant in some way, and they will support you back with a gold book.
Sean Neprud recently posted..Eternal Warrior! December! Vs. Archer & Armstrong!