Faith love Valiant Comics!
The almighty ComicChron has spoken, and the sales numbers are in.
Faith is happy.
And yes, I’m not kidding. Valiant is the number 3 publisher, but we’ll get to that. After all, it is like Obi-Wan said, from a certain point of view.
First, lets take a look at the numbers.
Here’s the sales ranking, and the number of copies sold, of each of the November titles.
- Shadowman #1 – 90th – 25,048 copies
- X-O Manowar #7 – 150th – 14,527 copies
- Harbinger #6 – 159th – 13,617 copies
- Archer & Armstrong #4 – 162nd – 13,478 copies
- Bloodshot #5 – 163rd – 13,156 copies
For a little perspective, that is about the same amount of sales as critical hits Invincible, Revival, and Chew. These numbers are also fairly even with the previous numbers, not a lot of drop off, which suggests that these numbers are starting to even out.
Number 3
Now, here’s a little more number crunching, courtesy of Greg Holland over at ValiantFans.com. He calculated the average sales per title for every company, and ranked them.
Guess what? Valiant is number 3.
Impressive. Most impressive.
Courtesy of Greg:
You guys ready for this one?
Top 300 Comics – November 2012
Average copies sold by publisher
- Marvel (68 comics): 47,373 copies per title
- DC (81 comics): 31,832 per title
- Valiant (5 comics): 15,965 copies per title
- IDW (29 comics): 12,641 copies per title
- Image (34 comics): 12,556 copies per title
- Dark Horse (25 comics): 10,056 copies per title
- Dynamic Forces (25 comics): 10,022 copies per title
- Boom (13 comics): 8,830 copies per title
- United Plankton (1 comic): 7,629 copies per title
- Broadsword (1 comic): 7,173 copies per title
- Avatar (3 comics): 7,112 copies per title
- Bongo (3 comics): 6,269 copies per title
- Zenescope (8 comics): 6,040 copies per title
- Archie (3 comics): 5,681 copies per title
- Oni (1 comic): 4,731 copies per title
As Greg pointed out, even without Shadowman, which added a boost due to being a first issue, Valiant still ranks as number 3.
After five titles, Valiant is off to a steady start!