Archer & Armstrong #0
Rating: 9.7 out of 10; Variant: Lee Garbet

Archer & Armstrong 0
The introduction to the flashback was kind of off and a little bit weird, but you can’t be perfect. I love the whole story in general. I guess since the Lost Land is not owned by VEI they had to use The Faraway. And, I think those are a different variations of Spider Aliens. They look pretty decked out and cool. Eternal Warrior fighting the Dinosaur, anybody else thinking Turok? I know they don’t own it but that was a cool homage. I hope that the Bloodshot #0 is a good as this and the other two.
Harbinger #12
Rating: 8.6 out of 10; Variant: Khari Evans
For the rating, I wasn’t disappointed in the book, it just that this was another filler book. Something to help along the main story in Harbinger Wars. Also, shout out to board member, “betterthanezra”. Love the development in the remaining Harbinger Kids and the Renegades. They are finally accepting that they can and need to do something good to help and fight against Harada. Plus, seeing Torque getting his butt kicked was fantastic. I mean that dude is enormous and he got pummeled by a girl.
X-O Manowar #13
Rating: 6.9 out of 10; Variant: Trevor Hairsine

X-O Manowar 13
I felt kind of disappointed. I liked seeing Aric destroy waves and fleets of The Vine. But really, I couldn’t help feel that it was kind of small. The art was finally grasped by Cary Nord, I think he found the best style and it should stay like this. I guess why I didn’t like it so much would be because this was really more of Aric destroying The Vine than major plot developments. But really, you can’t please everybody. I’m not to sure about where its going but I hope it get better. This was more of Cary’s time to shine than Robert Venditti’s.
Bloodshot #11
Rating: 9 out of 10; Variant: Matthew Clark
Unlike some people, I really enjoyed this issue. I like seeing the Harada Protocol (Which is epic by the way) from Bloodshot’s perspective. It was almost kind of creepy seeing Goldie go into a trance. The battle with Harada is bloody and in both Harbinger Wars #2 and Bloodshot #11 seeing Bloodshot vomit onto Harada was both disgusting and absolutely hilariously awesome. I liked seeing Kara stand up against the Harbingers and her taking on a bigger role of responsibility. I did indeed cringe when Bloodshot got run over by the van. More blood and gore on Bloodshot’s end.
Well that wraps up May, I hope to catch you guys next month for some H.A.R.D Corps action! Peace out!