I highly recommend buying Shadowman #1 if you are looking for a modern thriller with the action of all the best super-hero books, mixed with the horror vibe of The Walking Dead.
Jonesy Reviews: X-O Manowar #6 / Harbinger #5
Welcome OTV-heads to another edition of “Chromium Corner.” This marks the first of a regular series of reviews by your favorite foil-enhanced, card-stock, “Uncle Fester”-looking fanatic! Keep in mind that there be spoilers ahead, mateys, so if you have not read these books before, you may want to do so before going ahead Without further […]
Change is Constant…
Only The Valiant Listeners, After much soul-searching, I wanted to let you know that I will be stepping down as a regular podcast host of “Only The Valiant” until further notice. I will still be contributing to the website in the form of written articles and new comic reviews, in a much higher capacity than […]
Eat Your Comics!
Greetings OTV listeners! With this being a slow week In this edition of “Chromium Corner,” I wanted to link y’all to another website in which I offer my comic-related thoughts; recently begun by my good friend Wil Sisney: Eat Your Comics! I plan to offer non-Valiant related reviews and thoughts on a semi-regular basis on […]

My SDCC 2012 Experience!!!
Greetings and/or Salutations my Valiant Listeners!!! This is Jonesy, writing to you from my hot Phoenix office this fine Monday after Comic-Con, about to share my weekend experience with you all!

The Bright Side of Bad Comics
It’s the weekend after Memorial Day! And what better way to celebrate than to wipe the dust off of your stack of horribly written and/or illustrated comics that I KNOW you have in your collections!!!

X-O’S Greatest Moments: Number 6 – Randy Gets The Armor
Aric’s femme fatale bodyguard Randy dons the X-O armor in issue #21, giving us a new attitude and flavor to what has come before!

The World’s Largest Comic Book Panel!!!
I am going to briefly share my experience of one of the greatest “gimmicks” to have befallen our wonderful comic book industry…The World’s Largest Comic Panel, featured within Valiant Comics’ Solar: Man of the Atom issues 1-10!

Spirituality and Valiant Comics
For my first article, I wanted to briefly discuss how I started collecting Valiant Comics, and how the process has led me to a more spiritually fulfilling life (I kid you not!)