Friday, another great day at Comic-Con with signings, friends, cool stuff to see, all capped off with poker and trivia.

San Diego Comic-Con, Thursday Wrapup
When I started writing this article, I wrote “Friday Wrapup”. That should give you an idea what Con is like.

San Diego Comic-Con: Preview Night In Review
No Agenda. That’s how I’m approaching this year’s Comic-Con. Usually, I’m prepared. I have lists. I have schedules. Not this year.
And it’s rather liberating.

Quantum & Woody – The Original Series Full Review
I was told by the Good Folks at Valiant that my card was revoked, because I have never read the original Quantum & Woody run. I promised them I would read the original series – in it’s entirety – before Comic-Con. Here’s my review. I want my card back.

Thoughts on Valiant’s November Solicitations
Time to dig through the depths of the November Valiant Comics solicitations. Let’s see what’s coming up, and how it looks.

Going Gold, A Youth’s Story
My origin story as a reader, and the quest for the most elusive of prizes, and Archer & Armstrong #0 gold logo book.

Thoughts on Valiant Comics October Solicitations
The solicitations for all of Valiant’s September comics are out, it’s time to take a look at them and note the things that look particularly cool about these.

SDCC 2012: Sunday and the Epic Purchase
Sunday at Con is always mainly a shopping day for me, and a day to take care of those last few odds and ends. I found one item, however, that I just couldn’t pass up.

SDCC 2012: Saturday
On Saturday, I think everyone was a bit worn out from the previous days, so it was much mellower. Still, plenty of good convention action going on.

SDCC 2012: Friday And The Valiant Comics Panel
A wrap up of the events of “Epic Friday” and the Valiant Comics Panel at San Diego Comic-Con