A wrap up of Thursday at San Diego Comic-Con. Parties, Panels, Batmobiles, and wandering around the Con.

SDCC 2012: Wednesday and Preview Night
A wrap of the events and cool stuff from Wednesday of Comic-Con, featuring Preview Night!

SDCC 2012: Calm Before the Storm
I got to San Diego today, a day before the convention begins. Here’s a few of the things from around the convention center before the chaos begins.

Satisfying Story Progression – Decompression, part 3
I have been a critic of decompression in storytelling quite a few times in the past, but I assure you, my views are evolving!

Irrational Excitement for Ninjak
I don’t get it.
I’m looking forward to seeing Ninjak appear in X-O Manowar #5 quite a bit. I never like Ninjak much though, so this is a little odd.

Decompression and Value
I want to talk about the problem I have with compression in comics, and that problem is primarily value. Let’s see how a comic compares to other entertainment in terms of the amount of entertainment bang for your buck.

Thoughts on Valiant Comics’ August Solicitations
It’s time to dig in to the solicitations for the Valiant books coming out in August, to try to get an idea of what to expect!

San Jose Big Wow Comic Fest Convention Report
I spent the day at Big Wow Comic Fest in San Jose, found some treasures, and had a great time. The full report is inside.

First Issue Syndrome
I’ve read a few books recently that took a second read for me to appreciate them. The question I’m asking, however, is should the comics need a second read to be fully appreciated?

20 Years Later, Nothing’s Changed. Or Has It?
Valiant Comics and Image Comics. It’s become almost cliche to say, but it’s the 90s all over again.
Except, it’s not.