Ethan is back with Perspective, this time reviewing Unity #1!

Perpsective: Harbinger Wars
After a way-too-long break, Perspective rolls in its Harbinger Wars review. MAJOR SPOILERS. (I should just put that in every single title)

Perspective: I’m Alive/June Round Up
I’m back again. From a 3 week vacation. Glad to be reading Valiant again. I missed it so much.

Perspective: 4 on 4
Ethan reviews 4 of May’s best comic books. Valiant just won’t stop! These are full -spoiler alert- reviews.

Perspective: Summer of Valiant: Phase 2
Ethan speaks on the beginning of May Valiant madness. Major Spoilers!

Perspective: X-O #12 & Bloodshot #10
Warning: Spoilers ahead. Ethan/Cheramoya Man reviews X-O Manowar #12 and Bloodshot #10. P.S. The review is very lengthy.
Plus a quick review of what’s coming next month.