Quantum & Woody is going to be launching this July from the creative team of James Asmus and Tom Fowler! Check out the info, and a preview gallery.

Where’s the Goat? Valiant Teases Quantum & Woody
We may or may not get The Goat, but it looks clear that we will be getting some Quantum & Woody added to the Valiant lineup this July.

Harbinger Wars 8-Bit Retro Video Game Coming In April, 8-Bit Variant Covers Too!
Coming this April, there will be a retro Harbinger Wars video game for your iDevice or Android device. Not only that, there will be 8-bit variant covers for each title coming soon.

Road Trip Time? Valiant at Emerald City Comicon
Valiant Comics is gonna be at Emerald City Comicon this year, with a booth, panel, swag, creators, and more. Here’s all the info you need to know.

I’d Buy That For A Dollar! One Dollar Debuts From Valiant
This May, Valiant is going to launch their own program of issuing number 1 issues for a buck. This May, all of the titles will have a printing of the first issue priced at the low low price of One Dollar. Can’t beat that.

Harbinger Wars and Valiant Masters Free Comic Book Day Books
Valiant announced their Free Comic Book Day 2013 offerings, a Harbinger Wars special, and a Modern Masters preview.

Totally Awesome: X-O Lugeowar!
The US Luge team is going to have X-O Manowar racing outfits. This is super cool. Now go watch the video to learn more.

Quantum & Woody, On Comixology Now!
Quantum & Woody has been made available on Comixology. The first half is available for download now, and the rest of the series will be made available next week. Here’s the details.

Jeff Lemire Draws The Best Harbinger Cover Ever
This is a bit of old news these days, but man, we gotta catch up some time. And what a way to catch up. Boom! This cover is awesome! Jeff Lemire is drawing the variant cover to Harbinger #8. Check it out to the right! Jeff Lemire is well known for the Essex County Trilogy, […]

Second Printings Galore!
Valiant announced a bunch of second printings (and a third printing). The second printing cover to Harbinger #1 looks particularly awesome.