Wow. Harbinger Wars #1 just got dialed up to 11. This preview art is fantastic. Drop everything and check it out.

X-O Manowar 10 Preview
X-O Manowar #10 is out today, and to wet everyone’s appetite, here’s a preview of the book to hold us over till we get our hands on a copy.

Harbinger Wars! 2013! Valiant Comics!
Yes, this is happening.

Stunning Planet Death Preview! X-O Manowar #11
The folks at Valiant sent over a preview of what’s up their sleeve for Planet Death, the first mega-story they are running in X-O Manowar.

Preview: X-O Manowar #7
We’re looking forward to X-O Manowar #7 here at OTV, here’s a preview to hold us over till it arrives.

Preview: Bloodshot 5
Valiant sent out a preview of Bloodshot #5, the first issue of the next storyline coming down the road for Bloodshot.
Looks like Bloodshot still remains a glutton for punishment!

Eternal Warrior Returns
Eternal Warrior is one of Valiant’s A-list characters, one of the characters that we have all been waiting to hear about. Looks like we don’t have to wait long.

Preview Harbinger #5 “It All Ends Here”
Good things always show up in our inbox from Valiant, like this preview for Harbinger #5! This is the final issue in the first story arc, which we here at OTV have been loving.

Preview: Rome! Conspiracy! Archer & Armstrong #3!
Here’s a hot little number, a preview of Archer & Armstrong #3, coming soon from Valiant. This picks up right where the last comic left off, fighting evil killer nun ladies in the Vatican catacombs.

Preview: Bloodshot #4
Bloodshot is a book that is powering along like a freight train. Valiant sent us a preview of issue 4, check out a preview of what’s coming up.