Today, we’ve got a preview of Harbinger #4 for you to check out. This is the book that Elveen calls, “the best single issue yet. Impactful, powerful, dramatic.”

Preview: Shadowman #1
Here’s the fully colored and lettered preview of Shadowman #1, in this months previews, and arriving in stores in November.

Preview: Archer & Armstrong #2
Preview time! We got a hot little preview of four pages from Archer & Armstrong #2 dropped into our inbox this morning, check it out!

Preview: Bloodshot #3
Valiant Comics has sent us a preview of Bloodshot #3 for your viewing pleasure.

Preview: Bloodshot Vol. 1 Harcover – Blood Of The Machine
Valiant shared a preview of their upcoming Valiant Masters hardcover release, Bloodshot, Volume 1, collecting Bloodshot 1 – 8, with an all new Bloodshot story set in the original Valiant universe!

Preview: X-O Manowar #4
Aric has crash landed on modern day earth, unaware that 1600 years have passed, and under attack by the Italian police and military.

Preview: 5 Pages of Bloodshot #2
Valiant sent out this 5-page preview of Bloodshot, for those of you eager to get a look at what is coming up.

More Archer & Armstrong Preview Pages
We got sent a few new preview pages from Archer & Armstrong #1 from Valiant, showing an action-packed scene from the middle of the book.

Harbinger #3 Preview Pages
Valiant Comics is a champ again, sending out some preview pages of Harbinger #3.

Valiant Launches Shadowman In November by Jordan and Zircher
Valiant Comics is launching Shadowman in November, Written by Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher, and art by Patrick Zircher. Preview pages inside!