Timewalker #1 hits comic book store shelves this week. Here’s a non-spoiler review. If you like fun comics with great characters, humor, and action, this is the book for you.

Rai #1 from Valiant Comics: Super Exclusive First Ever Review
This book is nuts. In the very best of ways. This is a non-spoiler review.

Unity: 8-Bit Adventure Review
This digital-only story manages to be fun, hilarious, quirky, and surprisingly relevant to the story being told in Unity. Highly recommended.

Review: Shadowman #5
This issue both gives us a bit of a breather after the breakneck pace of the first arc, and jumps right in to the action, explosively introducing new players into Shadowman’s world.

Surfaces: Charlene Dupre – Harbinger 7 Review and Preview
Flamingo is one of my favorite characters from the original Valiant. It’s enough to say I was really looking forward to this book. It didn’t disappoint.

Harbinger #6 Review: The Sturm and Drang of Kris Hathaway
This is the issue where Kris finally confronts Pete after what he did to her in the first issue. I was looking forward to this issue quite a bit, it did not disappoint. Here’s a spoiler-free review.
Jonesy Reviews: X-O Manowar #6 / Harbinger #5
Welcome OTV-heads to another edition of “Chromium Corner.” This marks the first of a regular series of reviews by your favorite foil-enhanced, card-stock, “Uncle Fester”-looking fanatic! Keep in mind that there be spoilers ahead, mateys, so if you have not read these books before, you may want to do so before going ahead Without further […]

Bloody Review: Bloodshot #3
Bloodshot is a freight train of a comic, powering down the tracks. This issue keeps that momentum charging along. This review has vague plot point discussions, but is otherwise spoiler free.

Tony’s Reviews: Archer & Armstrong #1
The final book of the Summer of Valiant relaunch is here! Does it hold up to the quality from the other three?
I say hell yes!

Classic Valiant Review: Bloodshot #12
After what happened in the new Bloodshot #1 this month, don’t you think he deserves a vacation? This is a great done-in-one issue from the classic Bloodshot series.