Alright people, the two greatest adventure unheroes of the Valiant Universe are returning!

First Look At The Delinquents
We’ve got a first look at The Delinquents, which is going to throw Archer & Armstrong up against Quantum and Woody. Plus, there is a hobo butt map.

Archer & Armstrong and Bloodshot get Improbable
Bloodshot vs Archer & Armstrong seems like it would be just a fun, quirky crossover, with Valiant’s most serious character hunting down the least serious characters.
Except that one little thing.

Perspective: 4 on 4
Ethan reviews 4 of May’s best comic books. Valiant just won’t stop! These are full -spoiler alert- reviews.

A’n’A Week: Reference-O-Matic
Archer & Armstrong #1 has tons of religious, cultural, and historical references. Here they all are, with references and information about each of them. Did I miss any?

A’n’A Week: Best Adventures
Time to take a look at the best adventures from Barry Windsor-smith’s classic run on Archer & Armstrong.

A’n’A Week: Le Beginning
It’s AnA week here at OTV, lets’s kick it off by taking a look back at the original origin of our two favorite characters!

More Archer & Armstrong Preview Pages
We got sent a few new preview pages from Archer & Armstrong #1 from Valiant, showing an action-packed scene from the middle of the book.

Week in Review, June 30, 2012
The theme of this week could be All Archer & Armstrong All The Time. Fred Van Lente is an interview machine, and the interviews were seasoned with plenty of Archer & Armstrong preview pages. Monday: Wine and Crossbow alert: Check out an A&A interview with Fred Van Lente Time Traveler Sighting: a bunch of places […]

Neal Adams Variant Cover to Archer & Armstrong #1
That is one fine comic book cover. Let’s take a moment to bask in the glory of the Neal Adams variant.