This May, Valiant is going to launch their own program of issuing number 1 issues for a buck. This May, all of the titles will have a printing of the first issue priced at the low low price of One Dollar. Can’t beat that.

SDCC 2012: Sunday and the Epic Purchase
Sunday at Con is always mainly a shopping day for me, and a day to take care of those last few odds and ends. I found one item, however, that I just couldn’t pass up.

Tony’s Reviews: Harbinger #2 and Bloodshot #1
Tony is back for another great set of reviews! Up today, Harbinger #2 and Bloodshot #1.

Bloodshot #1 And Harbinger #2 Are Out Today!
Bloodshot #1 and Harbinger #2 are out today. Here’s some early impressions of the books. Quick summary, they’re good. Very good.