Saturday of SDCC@Home! I poured myself a beer and spent some time hanging out with friends online and checked out more panels, just like at the con, except, well, very remote.

Comic-Con@Home 2020 Preview Night!
If it were any other year, I would have traveled to San Diego today for San Diego Comic-Con. Of course, it’s not any other year, and the Coronavirus has put a halt to Comic-Con, and every other event like it. So, I say let’s enjoy what we can!

San Diego Comic-Con Friday Wrap Up
Friday, another great day at Comic-Con with signings, friends, cool stuff to see, all capped off with poker and trivia.

San Diego Comic-Con, Thursday Wrapup
When I started writing this article, I wrote “Friday Wrapup”. That should give you an idea what Con is like.

San Diego Comic-Con: Preview Night In Review
No Agenda. That’s how I’m approaching this year’s Comic-Con. Usually, I’m prepared. I have lists. I have schedules. Not this year.
And it’s rather liberating.

SDCC 2012: Sunday and the Epic Purchase
Sunday at Con is always mainly a shopping day for me, and a day to take care of those last few odds and ends. I found one item, however, that I just couldn’t pass up.

SDCC 2012: Friday And The Valiant Comics Panel
A wrap up of the events of “Epic Friday” and the Valiant Comics Panel at San Diego Comic-Con

My SDCC 2012 Experience!!!
Greetings and/or Salutations my Valiant Listeners!!! This is Jonesy, writing to you from my hot Phoenix office this fine Monday after Comic-Con, about to share my weekend experience with you all!

SDCC 2012: Wednesday and Preview Night
A wrap of the events and cool stuff from Wednesday of Comic-Con, featuring Preview Night!

SDCC 2012: Calm Before the Storm
I got to San Diego today, a day before the convention begins. Here’s a few of the things from around the convention center before the chaos begins.