Timewalker #1 hits comic book store shelves this week. Here’s a non-spoiler review. If you like fun comics with great characters, humor, and action, this is the book for you.

Fred Van Lente Interview and Collectors Corner Party
Rufus spent the day at the Collectors Corner Summer of Valiant party with Fred Van Lente, has a great interview with Fred, and tells us all about it!

To Do Tomorrow: Collectors Corner
Are you in the Baltimore Area? Go to the Summer of Valiant Party with Fred Van Lente at Collectors Corner this Saturday!

Week in Review, June 30, 2012
The theme of this week could be All Archer & Armstrong All The Time. Fred Van Lente is an interview machine, and the interviews were seasoned with plenty of Archer & Armstrong preview pages. Monday: Wine and Crossbow alert: Check out an A&A interview with Fred Van Lente Time Traveler Sighting: a bunch of places […]