What’s in store for Jack and the Shadowman Loa in the End Times? Here’s a nice little preview of Shadowman: End Times #1 from Valiant Comics.

Preview: Shadowman #1
Here’s the fully colored and lettered preview of Shadowman #1, in this months previews, and arriving in stores in November.

Week In Review, July 28 2012
One piece of news dominated this week in the world of our favorite publisher: the return of Shadowman. Find all the info about it here, plus all the other stuff you may have missed this week.

Valiant Launches Shadowman In November by Jordan and Zircher
Valiant Comics is launching Shadowman in November, Written by Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher, and art by Patrick Zircher. Preview pages inside!

Teaser Image: Shadows Fall This November!
Valiant released this cool teaser image with the tagline:
Shadows Fall This November