Time to dig through the depths of the November Valiant Comics solicitations. Let’s see what’s coming up, and how it looks.

Thoughts on Valiant Comics October Solicitations
The solicitations for all of Valiant’s September comics are out, it’s time to take a look at them and note the things that look particularly cool about these.

Week In Review, July 21 2012
It’s “slow week”.
What exactly is “slow week”? It’s the week after San Diego Comic-Con, where everybody is catching up on sleep, and catching up on Comic-Con news.

Week In Review, June 16 2012
Numbers and Ninjak
This week had sales numbers, interviews, reviews, and most of all, the return of Ninjak.

Thoughts on Valiant Comics’ August Solicitations
It’s time to dig in to the solicitations for the Valiant books coming out in August, to try to get an idea of what to expect!

Week In Review, 21 April 2012
OTV brings you the week in review! Here’s the best from around the web! Monday: The exciting news was from C2E2, where Valiant had their first convention appearance and panel. Comic Booked covered the panel, with lots of tasty nuggets: The Vine, will play a role in the story of Bloodshot as well, and the […]

Thoughts On Valiant Comics’ July Solicitations
The solicits are out for Valiant’s July books, and of course, I’m gonna dissect them for every little bit we can gleam from these!
Eternal Warrior Solicitation from Image
The Timeless Adventures of the Eternal Warrior, by Paul Grist, is being solicited this month in Previews. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, since Valiant Entertainment seems to have this trademark registered.
The solicitation of the book is as follows: