This May, Valiant is going to launch their own program of issuing number 1 issues for a buck. This May, all of the titles will have a printing of the first issue priced at the low low price of One Dollar. Can’t beat that.

Archer & Armstrong gets a 2nd print before the 1st print hits stands
Also, X-O Manowar #1 is getting a FOURTH printing. Party time! Excellent!

Week In Review, July 28 2012
One piece of news dominated this week in the world of our favorite publisher: the return of Shadowman. Find all the info about it here, plus all the other stuff you may have missed this week.

X-O Manowar Sketch Book Charity Auction
Elveen is auctioning off one more super sweet book this week, with all proceeds going to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. X-O Manowar Convention Blank Variant, with a Cary Nord sketch, and signed by Robert Venditti!

Tony’s Reviews: X-O Manowar #1
Tony Soldo, a new Valiant reader, writes up his thoughts about X-O Manowar #1.

X-O Manowar #1 Gets Second Printing
The second printing has an awesome wrap-around cover by Arturo Lozzi, and it looks awesome. The best X-O #1 cover yet?

X-O Marketowar: The X-O Manowar Price Surge
Copies of X-O Manowar #1, both new and old, have been blowing up in the secondary market. $200 for the QR variant cover? You better believe it.