Ethan reviews 4 of May’s best comic books. Valiant just won’t stop! These are full -spoiler alert- reviews.

Number Crunch: June Comic Sales
Sales estimates for comics sold in June are available, let’s see how our favorite publisher did.

Week In Review, July 7th 2012
Second Printings, Harby Previews, Bloodshot Teases, July book reviews, Interviews – It must be the week in review!

Digital Vs. Print: Side by Side Comparison
The differences between print and digital aren’t drastic, I thought it would be interesting to compare both X-O Manowar and Harbinger side by side.

Tony’s Reviews: Harbinger #1 and X-O Manowar #2
Tony Soldo is back for another review, this time to tell us his thoughts on X-O Manowar #1 and Harbinger #1.
These reviews contain some spoilers, so read the issues first!