May 16, 2012

Charity Comic Art Auctions

Fighting Cystic Fibrosis! This Week’s Sketches

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Elveen has got another round of charity art auctions up in the CF Sketch section of his eBay store!

These auctions end on Sunday, May 20th.

All of the proceeds of these auctions go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, so bid early, often, and generously!

Now, on to the auctions!

Emma Frost by Greg Horn

First up, Greg Horn, well known for his cover art and drawings! He did this head sketch of Emma Frost, the White Queen of the X-Men:

Greg Horn Emma Frost Sketch

Emma Frost sketch by Greg Horn

CLICK HERE to bid on this Emma Frost sketch!

Spawn by Brian Haberlin

Brian has penciled Spawn comics, and has done colors for a ton of Spawn comics. In addition, he’s been a penciler, colorist,a dn cover artist for a ton of other books. He drew a cool spawn drawing to be auctioned for charity:

Brian Haberlin Spawn sketch

Spawn sketch by David Haberlin

CLICK HERE to bid on this Spawn sketch!

All proceeds go to charity

A big thank you to Greg Horn and Brian Haberlin for donating their time and effort to create these sketches for the CF cause. We appreciate their time and work to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

For more information about these charity auctions, check out Elveen’s charity original art site for these auctions:

And remember, it’s for charity, so go Bid on eBay now!


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