April 17, 2013


Episode 100 Trivia Contest Questions

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As you may have heard in Episode 100, we are having a trivia contest to celebrate! You heard what some of the prizes are in the episode, and we will be announcing what they are, with pics, as the week progresses.

The trivia questions are below. These are questions about OTV itself, and your valiant hosts of the show.

All of the answers to these trivia questions can be found in the most recent 20 episodes (hint).

Email your entry to us at onlythevaliant@gmail.com, and please put Episode 100 Contest in the subject line.

The contest will run until early to mid-May, to give folks a chance to get their answers in.

Here are the questions:

  1. How many days did C-lo get for Christmas break?
  2. During the Amazing Arizona Comic Con, what fast food did Sean and Elveen have? (it was their first time having it)
  3. What book 1st got the ranking “rife with possibilities” from C-lo?
  4. In the comic book Hawkeye, what character was modeled after VEI’s Warren Simons?
  5. What is C-lo drinking when he says he is drinking “podcast juice”?
  6. When reading XO #5, what shout out the VH1 XO did Jonesy appriciate?
  7. What did Sean say was the distant cousin to the Avenger’s Quinjet?
  8. When Elveen said he likes to be MC Hammer, what did Sean say right after?
  9. In Bloodshot #5, Sean states that the building is not up to code, why?
  10. What language does Sean think Aric speaks?
  11. What does Sean say architects drink?
  12. If Warren Simons was not working for VEI, what job did he say he might do?
  13. After reading Harby #6 and #7, who did C-Lo compare Dysart to?
  14. What did C-Lo say is wrong with Ninjak’s sword when talking about the spy nanites?
  15. What are the 1st English words that Aric speaks in VH1?

Bonus Question: When C-lo states that he is going to make obscure sci-fi references, what movie did Elveen say?

Double Bonus Question: 5 episodes that have been recorded, but never released. What are the topics or title 1 of them?

In the event of a tie, winner will be decided by random drawing. Now get to it and get your answers in! We’ve got an amazing grand prize for this contest!

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