April 29, 2015

Quantum and Woody Must Die! #4

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VCR LogoIn this week’s VCR, we discuss and review Quantum and Woody Must Die! #4, the last issue of this mini-series. There is plenty to talk about, between Z-Nyth, Sloths, Goats and omelettes.

Also, since this is a short week, with only one book, we discuss the recent five film movie plans that Valiant recently announced. Bloodshot and Harbinger movies will be leading to a fifth Harbinger Wars series. We talk about what we hope to see, what we don’t hope to see, and a whole lot more.

Remember, this show assumes you have read this week’s book before you listen, so make sure to get to your shop and read the book before you tune in, if you don’t want to be spoiled.

Listen right here, right now:

Download: VCR-012-April29-2015.mp3 | Total Time: 30 minutes

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