October 7, 2015

Imperium #9, Bloodshot Reborn #7

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VCR LogoTwo interesting books came out this week, and we dive into the deep end of what we liked, and what we didn’t like, about each of them. Harada continues to take on the world in Imperium, and Bloodshot continues to take on himself in Bloodshot Reborn.

In Imperium #9, Harada continues his patented mix of good and bad. We see a lot of interesting action go down, and get a hint of what this whole Vine Imperative is about. Our reactions to this book were a bit mixed, which leads to some good discussion.

In Bloodshot Reborn #7, Ray and Magic continue their patented mix of manhunting. We see a lot of interesting investigation go down, and get a hint of what this other Bloodshot yahoo is about. Our reactions to this book were a bit mixed, which leads to some good discussion.

Spoiler alert! We discuss these books in full, and do not shy away from revealing and discussing any plot points. If you don’t want to be spoiled by our discussion, read the books before listening.

Listen right here, right now:

Download: VCR-035-oct7-2015.mp3 | Total Time: 43 minutes

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